Mon 27 Jan
*50 qv special*Im the one to make your night when your lazy wife is not acting right - 30
╰☆╮♛ #❶ LATINA PriNcess 1st TiMe HERE!!! ♛ iM BETTER ⬇⬇ THEN ⬆⬆ ↙↙ & ↘↘ ♛ 9046514693╰☆╮ - 22 - 22
(Montgomery, Montgomery Est Blvd/ InCall$ Only)
__★ __ ILL COME TO YOU__★ __ NEW GIRL IN TOWN__★ __ - 19 - 19 Post - 19
(Montgomery, Montgomery, East Blvd, Surroundin Areas)
Y O U R # 1 C H O I CE :¦:S T O P & T A K E A:¦:LO O K :¦: (NEW IN TOWN) - 24
(Montgomery, mont, umpka, pvill, & surrounding)
$35Qv com taste my berry today daddy sexy BBW porn star skills334,224,8920 - 21
(incall/outcall great spls allday, Montgomery)
*50 qv special*Im the one to make your night when your lazy wife is not acting right - 30
If you Traveling on Interstate 85 Pass Auburn area, Please Stop by off exit 62.. specials 60 - 25
Come lick👅 all over Ts Leanna stick10'🍆 till 🌋i cant take no more🌊🌊....25% reference discount - 26
(Birmingham, Eastern Blvd.., Huntsville, Montgomery)
If you Traveling on Interstate 85 in Auburn area, Please Stop by off exit 62 .. 60 Speical - 25
Your Sinfully Stunning Exotic Playmate - Special Tonite! - 19
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa, In your arms ;))
♛♛[☆THE ☆PERFECT ☆TREAT☆ ] ♛♛[☆] DeLiCiOus [☆][☆] ♛♛ [☆][☆] SwEet & PeTitE [☆]♛♛1000% ME!![☆]♛[☆] - - 28
(Montgomery, wherever u want me to be)
💕HoT CuRvY & 💯% REAL💜 sExY & INCREDIBLE 💣 SpcLS 👉 Avail👅LimiTeD TiMe💘 - 22
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa, 💖💖💖)
looking for a great time hit me up big butt monica 256 438 8098 - 25
(Montgomery, Montgomery, AL eastern blvd/troy highway)
Dont miss out Just visiting! Big Booty 100% Real Pics Keke Diamond ..thick Ts..Thick THIGHs - 23
*** CAUTION *** Attention MEN!!! Please Read THIS ad First!!! Very Important Info *** CAUTION ***
MIXED -— _S_U_P_E_R__— *T_H_I_C_K_ !* — _36D_— * 28_* —40 H_I_P_ S +++++++ - 20
(Montgomery, EXIT-6)
FINAL HOURS to spend $50 with the irresistible hurricane - 23
(Montgomery, Montgomery area/ in calls)
sexy seductive nicole here today only- $50 special - 28
(Montgomery, exit 6.eastern Blvd. montgomery)
°*ஐ*°S I N F U L L.Y S W E E T °*ஐ*° SPECIALS - 23
Going Going GONE DONT MISS ME☆ ☆ Mz. D@®kN£0√€£¥ 678_372_1110 - 26
(Montgomery, East Blvd IN AND OutCallz)
Get a date for free! Just sign up!
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa)
(Females Only) Now hiring ladies 18+ great career opportunity (Star in a reality show) - 100
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa)
C A R A M E L T R E A T ___C H E C K M E O U T ____ F U N F U N F U N___ 100 S P E C I A L S___ - 19
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
The Fun Girl is Here and Ready 2Play if you wanna have fun im Ready 60special my last nite here - 25
(Montgomery, Eastern calls)
QV $80 BBW the best around.💋205-285-3598💋 curvy and worthy whitney!Call for best time! - 18
ROXY 💦💦 Juicy & UNfoRGeTTabLe T!ght💄💄💋 Smooth Skin Long Toned LeGs!!! - 24
(Montgomery, montgomery/ surrounding areas)
Fri 10 Jan
★☆★ ViSiTiNg Sexcii ~ Exotic ~ Erotic ~ ♥NEW ♥ ~ Beautiful ~ JuicyBooty!!! ☆★☆ - 23
(Montgomery, EaStErN bLvD → eXiT 6 ←)
Classy Lady with a Big SURPRISE in her PANTIES! - 19
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa)
(NEW) Your fantasy my Trill One Night it can be REALl!!!!! 💖 (334)531-3296) - 32
(Montgomery, exit 6, EASTERN BLVD.Montgomery,ALA.)
Thu 09 Jan