Mon 27 Jan
★ UnForGetTabLe ExpEriEnCe iS 1 CaLl AwAy WhY WaiT? CALL NOW ★ - 21
(Montgomery, Montgomery/ In Calls)
Hungry TS pussy trying to get dick down and slob on blk dicks - 31
(Birmingham, Birmingham Central Park area)
Stop!!! Read this if you want to get laid tonight.
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa)
uNbEaTaBlE sPeCiAlS (((cAlL nOw))) hYuNdAi wOrKeRs aNd tRucKeRs wElCoMe - 21
(Montgomery, HOPE HULL)
The best $55★The FREAKIEST # ❶Top【 F¡√ε ★ Ρใคұ๓คҭє 】 【SL¡ppєrY SPeciaLS☎ 【δωεε† & Kinky】 24/7 - 23
(Montgomery, NEWPIC 03/19/13 100% REAL IN/OUTCALLS)
💎💄👑Outcalls only 💎💄👑available all night & specials dont miss out 🌹3343010779 - 19
(Montgomery, montgomery/surrounding areas)
★ NEW Doll Faced Mixed Cutie ★ Small Waist ★ Round booty★ - 22
(Montgomery, Eastern Blvd/Exit6/Montgomery)
_ . .*-{[ _ {[ M A G I C A L L Y ]} _ ]}-*. . _ . .*- {[ _ {[ D E L I C I O U S ]} _ ]}-*. . _ - - - 23
IM HERE ßoys!💦 GetUSumThe Baddest Of Them All, D@rknLovely, 678/372/1110 - 27
(East HH HR N OVERNIGHTZ ONLY, Montgomery)
○●ClAsSy AnD BeAuTiFuL●○ ♥STUNNING RUSSIAN♥ ♚♕ **Up AlL NiGhT**⇲⇱ - 20
(Montgomery, Montgomery/eastern blvd area)
💜BWW Pℓαγmα†ε 💄👄 √¡ρ Pεяƒεcт Tяεα†mεη†💋💄 💕 $45 Special!! 2Girl Specials ALSO ❗👠 - 19
60 Specs With The TRUTH Erotic Sessions 'Baby Doll' 786-527-1401 NO TEXTS - 22
(Montgomery, Montgomery/ ELITE UPSCALE LOCATION)
Sat 11 Jan
!! North Carolinas Finest....... Unique The Supa Freak Is Back 4 The Weekend !! - 24
(Montgomery, Montgomery/Exit 6)
Fri 10 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
♛♛[☆THE ☆PERFECT ☆TREAT☆ ] ↘42DD's twins •ωιтh• ηαυghтуу ♥ HABITS I'm BACK - 38
(Birmingham, 280 INCALLS ONLY)
Mon 06 Jan
$50 MsKandyAppLe * You MissEd Me !!!* 904*652*6510 * (CoMe FaLL iN LoVe W a SuPeRSTaR) * - 22
(Montgomery, InCalls Only(Montgomery))
Sun 05 Jan
~~ #1 Supa Thick Bubblez Here For 1 more Nite~ $50 & $60 - Specialz~ S@tisf@ction G@ur@nt33d - 22
(Montgomery, MONTGOMERY,EXIT 6)
{CLICK} °☆° {HERE} °☆° {4} °☆° {EXTREME} °☆° {PLEASURE} - 69
Sat 04 Jan
Cali is looking to be spoiled... - 22
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, OutCall, Tuscaloosa)
!!VERY ATTRACTIVE!!® SeXy PlAyMaTe ReAdY tO PlAy® !!!!Specials!!!! - 21
(Montgomery, Montgomery/incall Outcall)
60$specials wit THE SEXY BLACK BARBIE MOCHA!!!!Dont miss out..IM WORTH IT - 23
(Montgomery, montgomery incalls off troy hwy)
Fri 03 Jan
701-248-0995 IM BACKKK 😝💦 here for ur PLEASURE daddy until monday Come get this JUICY FRUIT 💦🍍🍓 - 24
Thu 02 Jan