Mon 27 Jan
Vising Video Vixen Licensed Massage Therapist Here to Relax You and Make you Smile - 24
★ UnForGetTabLe ExpEriEnCe iS 1 CaLl AwAy WhY WaiT? CALL NOW ★ - 21
(Montgomery, Montgomery/ In Calls)
*50 qv special*Im the one to make your night when your lazy wife is not acting right - 30
Y O U R # 1 C H O I CE :¦:S T O P & T A K E A:¦:LO O K :¦: (NEW IN TOWN) - 24
(Montgomery, mont, umpka, pvill, & surrounding)
FINEST BLONDE available now for appointments ... Booking QUICK!! - 23
(Auburn, Birmingham, Mobile, Montgomery, Tuscaloosa)
*50 qv special*Im the one to make your night when your lazy wife is not acting right - 30
The Real Head Hunter (Tranny)Watch mY Tumblr N Watch Me Go Ham - 22
(exit 6 eastern blvd, Montgomery)
White & Italian 🌺NEW IN TOWN 💋 100% real 💎 334-354-2701 💎 playtime has never been this fun 😉 - 20
(Montgomery, montgomery/eastern blvd)
ˣXˣ Bonafide bangin body! ˣXˣ Sweetest hottie in the SOUTH! ˣXˣ - 27
(Montgomery, Birmingham, Auburn, Tuscaloosa)
💌💗👑 •Upscale √ •Sexy! √ •Jamaican√ •Sexy! √FUN GIRL😋 - 21
(Montgomery, Montgomery OUTCALL only babe!)
"NeW BruNeTTe in Montgomery ! Hott hoTT HOtt ; ) !! ***** - 29
(Montgomery, Montgomery and surrounding)
First time in city and ready for fun!! Come & Get it on tues*.^.* SeXy GiRL .... NEW PICS - 18
Sexy slim profesional( whitegirl)~334-954-8977 available incalls or outcalls - 25
(Montgomery, 24/7 prattville millbrook, montgomery)
🐾Hey Guys🐾👑Bombshell Alyssa🎀New in town💖lets play baby i love to have fun🐾INCALLS & OUTCALLS - 20
💋OuT CaLL's ALL NiGhT💋No BiKeR's AccEpTeD👍AVaILAbLe NoW No 💰 No Holla - 30
(Montgomery, Montgomery 🏩🏪Inn Call's All Night🏪🏩)
New!! New!! New!! °•°•°«PrEtTy SwEeT PuMkIn» °•°•°New $40 Specials!! Sexy Chocolate Curves!! - 21
New pics.... GET a load of my GIRL$.. JuicY 38 DBL D'S SOO SeXy DE$TINY .... $50 all day - 19
**** new FUN girl **** Looking for MATURE FUN GUY!!!!!!! spanish friendly - 32
(Montgomery, Montgomery outcall only)
GoRgeOuS NeW PlaYmaTe FroM MiAmi ˆ No FaKe PiCs ˆ $80 SpEciAls aLL NiTe - 24
(Montgomery, Incall/Outcall Montgomery)
○●ClAsSy AnD BeAuTiFuL●○ ♥STUNNING RUSSIAN♥ ♚♕ **Up AlL NiGhT**⇲⇱ - 20
(Montgomery, Montgomery/eastern blvd area)
*★* everyone must read ...... S.T.D @-SS Transsexual 40$ girls - 25
(Montgomery, Everyone needs to report these 40$ girls)
======> Guess Who?... #1 Exotic (BlaTalian) Vixen *... Untouchable - Nadia Toye™ Last Visit - 26
(Montgomery, Incall)
Lorrain iNcalls N Outs Call 📞 me 📱 706-457-0950 - 22
(Montgomery, Montgomery,Prattvillle,Milbrook,Wtumpka)
hey guys your favorite girl is back.with SPECIALS.its me CANDY!!Come see me! - 23
(Huntsville, Huntsville,athens,decatur,madison)
💋 FINALLY ...... A VIP The Epitome of Class! 💋 VIP Businessmen 40+ Please. 💋 Available NOW! - 38
(Montgomery, Discreet Luxury Incall $300/HR)
Dangerously Addictive Sinfuly Bliss(334)531-3296)(Call now)melissa - 34
(exit 6, EASTERN BLVD.Montgomery,ALA., Montgomery)
▓► D_R_E_A_M__ *ღ* __G_I_R_L ◄▓ IM BACK!! ~*~ EXIOTIC!~*~ CoMpAnIoN!! - 19
(Montgomery, MONTGOMERY..)
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
**Your Dream Girls Ready To Please You** 2_Girl Specials Available - 20
(Montgomery, Montgomery Where You Want To Be)
Super Cute- - - - - - - Super Fun- - - - - - - So Bubbly- - - - - - - Sweet Attitude- - - - - - - - 25
(Birmingham, Hwy280 In/Out!)
Sweet you will not regret seeing me
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
.¸o° ♥ * LAST DAY HERE *:: SUPER CLEAN &SO; DAMN GOOD : * cHoCoLaTe DoLL * 70SPECiALS - 20
🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 ReAd DeScRiPTiOn 4 OUTCALLz❗️ ❤️🍭♥️🍭 2 SW€€T 4 T€€TH🍭❤️🍭❤️🍭 MiSs LaYla - 21
(Montgomery, Montgomery, Eastern Blvd, Carmichael)
Fri 10 Jan
Last nite Specials...... ** EXotiC HiSpaNic BeAutY ** 419""388""5871 ** - 29
(Montgomery, Montgomery Incall EASTERN BLVD)
Thu 09 Jan
* ·.¸.·´¯ * Upscale *♥* ·.¸.·´¯ * Playboy Model Sylina*♥* ·.¸.·´¯ * OUTCALL ONLY *♥* ·.¸.·´- - 20
(Montgomery, will deliver ~outcalls only love)
The Baddest Is Back!!! Only One Day! **Real Pics** 70specials - 25
Kinky and Seductive Mistress ;) - 19
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, In town, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa)
LaSt DaY!! ★ BeAuTiFuL BrUnEtTe ★ DoNt MiSs OuT ★ LiMiTeD TiMe - 26
(Montgomery, InCaLLs/OutCaLLs)
Slippery & Hott Freaks 💦 👐100hh👧👧�sexual sexy seductive freaks available ↔ALL DAY & NIGHT - 22
(Interstate park Dr, Montgomery)
—— Miss ——• OFFICIAL•—— Is —— Back — S•P•E•C •I•A•L•S—— ♥-ThA BeSt. Ready NOW - 21
Wed 08 Jan